
Our policies are designed to ensure transparency, fairness, and quality, prioritizing customer satisfaction, compliance, and continuous improvement in all aspects of our operations.

Quality Policy Statement

It shall be the policy of QUALIMETS to ensure that every member of our organization possesses the highest standard of ethical and professional behavior and provides our certificant with globally accepted certification based on objective criteria to measure competence.

The management of the certification body is fully committed to comply with the requirements of PNS ISO/IEC 17024:2014 and to continually improve the effectiveness of its management system. It is a requirement that all employees and staff concerned with personnel certification activities within QUALIMETS familiarize themselves with the quality documentation and implement these policies and procedures.

This quality policy and its corresponding objectives are established and shall be reviewed in the management review meeting to provide evidence of commitment to the development and implementation of the management system and to continually improve its effectiveness.

Policy Management of Impartiality

QUALIMETS documents its structure, policies and procedures to manage impartiality and to ensure that the certification activities are undertaken impartially. QUALIMETS have top management commitment to impartiality in its certification activities. QUALIMETS have a statement publicly accessible without request and that it understand the importance of impartiality in carrying out its certification activities, manages conflict of interest and ensures the objectivity of its certification activities.

QUALIMETS acts impartially in relation to its applicants, candidates and certified persons.

QUALIMETS have policies and procedures for certification that are fair among all applicants, candidates and certified persons.

QUALIMETS certification is not restricted on the grounds of undue financial or other limiting conditions, such as membership of an association or group. QUALIMETS does not use procedures to unfairly impede or inhibit access by candidates or applicant.

QUALIMETS is responsible for the impartiality of its certification activities and does not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise impartiality.

QUALIMETS identifies threats to its impartiality on an ongoing basis. This includes threats that arise from its activities, from its related bodies, from its relationship, or from the relationships of its personnel. However, such relationship does not necessarily present QUALIMETS to its impartiality.

Note 1 A relationship that threaten the impartiality of the body can be based on ownership, governance, management, personnel, shared resources, finance, contracts, marketing (including branding) and payment of a sales commission or other inducement for referral of new applicants, etc.
Note 2 Threats to impartiality can be either actual or perceived.

Notes 3 A related body is one which is linked to the certification body by common ownership, in whole or part, and has common members of the board of directors, contractual arrangement, common staff, informal understanding or other means, such that the related body has a vested interest in any certification decision or has a potential ability to influence the process.

The certification activities of QUALIMETS are structured and managed to safeguard impartiality. This includes balanced involvement of interested parties.

Personnel involve in the certification activities

QUALIMETS requires its personnel to declare any potential conflict of interest in any candidate.

Requirements for examiner

Examiners meets the requirements of QUALIMETS. Examiners are selected and approved by QUALIMETS and ensure that examiners:
understands the relevant certification schemes.

is able to apply the examination procedures and documents.

has competence in the field to be examined.

is fluent, both in writing and orally, in the language of examination; in circumstances where an interpreter or translator is used, QUALIMETS have procedures in place to ensure that it does not affect the validity of the examination.

has identified any known conflicts of interest to ensure impartial judgements are made.

QUALIMETS monitor the performance of the examiners and reliability of the examiner’s judgement. Where deficiencies are found, corrective actions are taken.

Note Monitoring procedures for examiners can include, for example, on-site observation, review of examiner’s reports, feedback from candidates.

If an examiner has a potential conflict of interest in the examination of a candidate, QUALIMETS undertake measures to ensure that the confidentiality and impartiality of the examination are not compromised. These measures are recorded.

Requirements for other personnel involved in the assessment.

QUALIMETS have a documented description of the responsibilities and qualification of other personnel involved in the assessment process (e.g. invigilators).

If other personnel involved in the assessment have a potential conflict of interest in the examination of a candidate, QUALIMETS undertakes measures to ensure that confidentiality and impartiality of the examination is not compromised. These measures are recorded

The management of the certification body is fully committed to comply with the requirements of PNS ISO/IEC 17024:2014 and to continually improve the effectiveness of its management system. It is a requirement that all employees and staff concerned with personnel certification activities within QUALIMETS familiarize themselves with the quality documentation and implement these policies and procedures.

This quality policy and its corresponding objectives are established and shall be reviewed in the management review meeting to provide evidence of commitment to the development and implementation of the management system and to continually improve its effectiveness.

Policy on alcohol and controlled substances

It is QMSI policy that alcoholic beverages:

  1. shall not be the central focus of meetings and events in which units of QMSI participate,
  2. shall not be publicized as an inducement for attending meetings and events in which units of QMSI participate,
  3. shall be served only by and at licensed establishments wherever possible,
  4. shall only be available when non-alcoholic beverages are also available,
  5. shall be served only in compliance with all National and local laws and/or ordinances and
  6. shall be served only in compliance with the policies and regulations of the relevant educational institutions when students are involved.

B. Illegal use of controlled substance at meetings and events in which units of QMSI participate is prohibited.

Policy on Staff Employment guidelines

QMSI has been, and will continue to be, an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. The continued success and growth of The Quality and Metrology Society depends on a talented, well-motivated workforce drawn from diverse backgrounds.

Anti-Discrimination Recruitment, selection, promotion, and transfer decisions made by QMSI supervisors are based solely on candidates’ job-related qualifications and abilities.

Other human resources policies and practices, including, but not limited to, compensation, benefits, discipline and discharge, layoffs, QMSI-sponsored training, tuition reimbursement, social and recreational programs, are also administered on a nondiscriminatory basis.

Request for Accommodations
QMSI will provide reasonable accommodation consistent with the law to otherwise qualified individuals with a disability and to employees or prospective employees with needs related to their religious observance or practices, and as otherwise required by l law. What constitutes reasonable accommodation depends on the circumstances and thus will be addressed by QMSI on a case-by-case basis.

Policy on Use of Membership Data

“QMSI Database” refers to a central repository for data concerning the members of QMSI and other constituents, in any form or format. “Member data” refers to information regarding individual members of QMSI. This may include information of a personal nature, such as name, postal address, telephone number, date of birth, employment information, etc.; or information pertaining to an individual’s membership in QMSI, such as years of membership, membership grade, offices held, order information, participation, demographics, etc. “Unit” or “units” refers to any QMSI internal organizational entity formally recognized by the Board of Directors for the purpose of carrying out the Society’s mission

The QMSI Database and the information contained therein are the exclusive property of QMSI; the member data contained within the membership database may be made available on loan to QMSI Members for internal use by units of QMSI.

The member data is for the exclusive internal use of units of QMSI for QMSI-related activities.

Member email addresses are not included in data lists to comply with changes in global privacy and SPAM laws, as well as QMSI privacy policies. Oversight of the criteria, parameters, and methods on how the unit can communicate with its members will lie with the QMSI unit.

Any form of the member data may not be in any way exchanged, sold, lent, given, or bartered to any other person, company, or organization except in the case of mailing labels for transfer to mailing-services for the sole and specific purpose of processing mailings for use within QMSI units.

Transfers of member data onto a hard disk or any other form of shared resource system, including, but not limited to mainframe computers, is prohibited.

QMSI does not provide any warranty as to the accuracy of the data contained within the membership database, nor does it warrant that the data format is compatible with any brand or type of computer system or software.

Policy on Student Membership and establishment of QMSI Student Sector

A Student Member shall be a student regularly enrolled and working towards a degree in an approved curriculum accredited institution.

A. Attainment of Student Membership
A student regularly enrolled in an approved curriculum is eligible for student membership.
B. Establishment of student sections

An QMSI student section may be established in any school.

A QMSI student section may be established in any school having an approved curriculum leading to a degree.

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