Interlaboratory Comparison

Our Interlaboratory Comparison program ensures measurement accuracy and reliability by evaluating laboratory performance against industry standards through proficiency testing.

External Quality Assurance (Proficiency Testing and Interlaboratory Comparison) Offered

Interlaboratory Program Available

Code: ELEC-CM-01
RMS Clamp Meter
Make: Kyoritsu 
Price: Php8,000.00 vat ex

Code: ELEC-DMM-01
Handheld Multimeter
Make: Fluke 
Price: Php 8,000.00 vat ex

Code: DIM-CAL-01
Digital Micrometer
Make: Mitutoyo
Model: 293-240-30
Price: PhP 8,000.00

Code: DIM-MIC-02
Digital Caliper, 0 to 300 mm
Brand: Mitutoyo
Model: 500-173-30

Code: MASS-NAWI-01
Balance, 200 g x .1 mg
Make: Mettler
Model: AT 200
Price: 8,000.00

Code: PRESS-PG-01
Digital Pressure Gauge, 0- 1000 psi
Make: Ashcroft
Model: DG
Price: PhP 8,000.00

Digital Thermometer, 0 to 200 °C
Make: Cooper Atkins
Model: DPP400W
Price: PhP 8,000.00

Digital Thermocontroller, type K, 0 to 200 °C
Make: Delta Electronics
Model: DTB
Price: Php 8,000.00

What’s the difference between a proficiency test (PT) and an interlaboratory comparison (ILC)?

An Interlaboratory Comparison (ILC) looks at measurement results between several laboratories. The purpose of an ILC could be to evaluate methods, different standards, environmental effects, competency of staff or the lab, or other factors in the measurement process. A proficiency test (PT) is designed to evaluate competency or proficiency and is a type of ILC.

Proficiency testing and inter-laboratory comparisons are terms used synonymously in the Test and Measurement industry. However, they are not the same.

They are similar, but slightly different.

According to ISO/IEC 17043:2010, inter-laboratory comparison (ILC) is the organization, performance, and evaluation of measurements or tests on the same or similar items by two or more laboratories or inspection bodies in accordance with predetermined conditions.

According to ISO Guide 43, Proficiency Testing is a formal exercise managed by a coordinating body which includes a standard or reference laboratory. The results are issued in a formal report that clearly provides the En and Z score.

Furthermore, ISO Guide 43 describes an inter-laboratory comparison as an exercise that is performed by agreement between two or more participating laboratories where the results are issued in a formal report.

So, the difference is proficiency test is an inter-laboratory comparison that is organized and managed by an independent third party. Additionally, a proficiency test includes the participation of a reference laboratory and uses their results to determine participants performance.

An inter-laboratory comparison does not require the use of a reference laboratory or a coordinating body. Therefore, participant laboratories are only comparing performance amongst the group of participating members.

As you can see, they are similar, but different.

What is a normalized error (En)?

A normalized error compares a lab’s measurement result and its associated uncertainty with a reference value and uncertainty to determine if they agree. If the absolute value of En is greater than one, the two measurements are not in agreement. For more information on calculation of En, see ISO/IEC 17043:2010 Conformity Assessment-General Requirements for Proficiency Testing.

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